1 Vocabulary Story 859 Sports Cars in the 1960’s
Sports cars were in vogue in the 1960’s. They had staunch supporters
of their wanton speed and power.
Coy young people trespassed on the psyches of the drivers, nullifying
all rules of logic and safety. There were presentiments of accidents.
Jaundiced adults fought against fast cars. All this fell into decadence
with the oil shortages and fuel efficient car movement.
2 Vocabulary Story 859 Sports Cars in the 1960’s
Sports cars were in fashion in the 1960’s. They had loyal supporters
of their uncalled for speed and power.
Shy young people invaded on the persona’s of the drivers, canceling
all rules of logic and safety. There were fears of accidents.
Envious prejudging adults fought against fast cars. All this fell by the wayside
with the oil shortages and fuel efficient car movement.
1 Vocabulary Story 883 King Louis the 14th’s Abuses
King Louis the 14th was an insufferable potentate. It was enough
to suffice for rebellion. An artist who worked at Versailles and got
severance wrote a tell all book after his stint there.
He saw blasphemy. Callow ingenue girls were pinioned to fountains
just for show. The court patronized all types of vice.
2 Vocabulary Story 883 King Louis the 14th’s Abuses
King Louis the 14th was an intolerable dictator. It was enough
to call for rebellion. An artist who worked at Versailles and got
a pension wrote a tell all book after his stay there.
He saw insults. Inexperiences innocent girls were chained to fountains
just for show. The court supported all types of crimes.
1 Vocabulary Story 885 The Paris Ballet’s Corps de Ballet
The ballets of the Ballet of Paris in the 19th century may look
silly to us today; dozens of thin girls prancing together.
How you got a part was up to chance. Some spots were reserved
to girls old rich men simpered at; managers agreed to give
them better roles.
2 Vocabulary Story 885 The Paris Ballet’s Corps de Ballet
The repertorie of the Ballet of Paris in the 19th century may look
inane to us today; scores of slight girls cavoring en masse.
How you got a part was up to serendipity. Some spots were alloted
to girls octogenarian rich men puckered at; managers acceded to give
them better roles.
1 Vocabulary Story 884 You have to Maintain a Car
The Cadillac was the preeminent car in the 1950’s. However willful
deleterious neglect could put it into disarray. Even stationary parts
are integral to keeping it running well. Palpable changes show up
if not maintained.
A thoughtless disposition is no alibi. Laws passed for
inspections and now you have to adduce a sticker as proof.
2 Vocabulary Story 884 You have to Maintain a Car
The Cadillac was the top car in the 1950’s. However willful
ruinous inattention could put it into disorder. Even nonmoving parts
are involved in keeping it running well. Feelable changes show up
if not maintained.
A thoughtless attitude is no excuse. Laws passed for
inspections and now you have to show a sticker as proof.
1 Vocabulary Story 892 The Global Warming Theory
The Global Warming Theory says man’s activities have a disproportionate
effect on the ecosystem. That is, the climate is protean and immediate
action is required.
People have become immersed in this theory and organizations enfranchized
to augment the movement. Delinquents are maligned and changes in migratory
patterns chafe adherents.
2 Vocabulary Story 892 The Global Warming Theory
The Global Warming Theory says man’s activities have an over-sized
effect on the environment. That is, the climate is changeable and immediate
action is required.
People have become involved in this theory and organizations given enforcement
powers to further the movement. Violators are criticized and changes in animal
movement patterns disturb true believers.
1 Vocabulary Story 893 Show Business in New York City
Being from NYC, you get jazzy by osmosis. Minskies in Manhattan
was the capitol of striptease. This is an exorbitant form of entertainment,
catering to the tawdry and prurient.
Demure young girls came to its postern door to banter with the performers and
became proteges. Since those days, the culture has thankfully changed
for the better. Minskies became insolvent and closed for good.
2 Vocabulary Story 893 Show Business in New York City
Being from NYC, you get naturally get a false sophistication. Minskies in Manhattan
was the headquarters of striptease. This is an over the top form of entertainment,
catering to the cheap and sexy.
Polite shy young girls came to its back door to chat with the performers and
became disciples. Since those days, the culture has thankfully changed
for the better. Minskies became bankrupt and closed for good.
1 Vocabulary Story 894 Why People Like a Resort Town
An exhaustive study of why people have a predilection for Atlantic
City was made. A synthesis of things was found. Rides give vertigo,
games give booty; even things that go awry add interest. People say
a trip there causes jubilation.
After much council, the dormant Steel Pier amusement pier was reopened, in
a ceremony reminiscent of the consecration of a church.
2 Vocabulary Story 894 Why People Like a Resort Town
An thorough study of why people have a liking for Atlantic
City was made. A mixture of things was found. Rides give dizziness,
games give prizes; even things that go wrong add interest. People say
a trip there causes joy.
After much deliberation, the dormant Steel Pier amusement pier was reopened, in
a ceremony reminiscent of the dedication of a church.
1 Vocabulary Story 897 Plot Against Hitler
The insurrection against Hitler was intricate. It involved professionals
and laymen in a kinetic action that almost succeeded. They acted listless,
languid and lugubrious; jaded by being in the upper echelons of the
Nazi Party.
At a signal, they loped to their stations. When they thought they
had killed Hitler with a bomb, there was jubilation but he survived and they
were all hunted down and executed.
2 Vocabulary Story 897 Plot Against Hitler
The plot against Hitler was complex. It involved professionals
and nonprofessionals in a lively action that almost succeeded. They acted tired
slow and mournful; bored by being in the upper crust of the
Nazi Party.
At a signal, they ran to their stations. When they thought they
had killed Hitler with a bomb, there was cerebration but he survived and they
were all hunted down and executed.
1 Vocabulary Story 895 The Viking Raiders
Norway’s kings lived in a combustible culture. They underwrote
intrepid viking raiders who brandished swords complemented by spears
to the approbation of their families back home.
It is futile to understand this world in a cerebral way. They lived
in house houses and ate bouilabaise. Viking artifacts have appreciated
greatly recently.
2 Vocabulary Story 895 The Viking Raiders
Norway’s kings lived in a violent culture. They sponsored
bold viking raiders who waved swords backed up by spears
to the approval of their families back home.
It is useless to understand this world in an intellectual way. They lived
in house houses and ate fish stew. Viking museum pieces have gone up in value
greatly recently.
1 Vocabulary Story 896 Martin Luther Rose Up
It is an unassailable corollary that hackneyed people; you’d have
disdain for, are in seminaries. So, it is all the more surprising that
the self-made Martin Luther arose from this environment from vague
He wrote an omnibus of religious and social works and was able to filibuster
against Kings.
2 Vocabulary Story 896 Martin Luther Rose Up
It is an undeniable truism that unoriginal people; you’d have
contempt for, are in religious training schools. So, it is all the more surprising
the self-starter Martin Luther arose from this environment from uncertain
He wrote a library of religious and social works and was able to bargain
against Kings.
1 Vocabulary Story The Night of the Living Dead
The Night of the Living Dead is a horror movie. Evil insurgents
become adjuncts to zombies. These reanimated corpses from cemeteries
depredate and forage for flesh; it amounted to genocide as the zombies
stumble across the hinterlands with sharp teeth.
The good living people surmise the chicanery of the rebels. The
zombies are hunted and defeated.
2 Vocabulary Story 881 The Night of the Living Dead
The Night of the Living Dead is a horror movie. Evil rebels
become helpers to zombies. These revived corpses from cemeteries
rob and look for flesh; it amounts to a great slaughter as the zombies
stumble across the cities and hinterlands with sharp teeth.
The good living people figure out the evil plan of the rebels. The
zombies are hunted and defeated.
1 Vocabulary Story 880 The 1929 Stock Market Crash
The economic boom of the 1920’s terminated in a stock market
crash. The enormity of the problem was not isolated to Wall Street,
diminishing the pedestrian concerns in the hinterlands.
It’s not that workers on Wall Street were not sedulous. They had
their own phraseology and perquisites. They were decimated along
with all peripheral industries like restaurants and theaters.
2 Vocabulary Story 880 The 1929 Stock Market Crash
The economic boom of the 1920’s ended in a stock market
crash. The scope of the problem was not limited to Wall Street,
impoverishing the ordinary concerns in the wider country.
It’s not that workers on Wall Street were not hard working. They had
their own language and privileges. They were ruined along
with all satellite industries like restaurants and theaters.
***** Note : After twenty Power Point Stories with little interest, I’ve gone back to
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1 Vocabulary Story 882 People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany
At the beginning of World War Two, criticism of the Nazis was superficial,
being savagely put into abeyance by contumely and ridicule.
Then the tumult of war defeats conjured changes in the political barometer.
People procured affidavits to pummel the autocratic government. Many people were
covering their asses for the post war?
2 Vocabulary Story 882 People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany
At the beginning of World War Two, criticism of the Nazis was tepid,
being savagely put in check by insults and ridicule.
Then the trauma of war defeats worked changes in the political winds.
People got written evidence to beat on the dictatorial government. Many people were
covering themselves for the post war?
1 Vocabulary Story 889 A Great Boxer’s Career
A mosaic of Muhammad Ali’s career shows he had charisma, talent
and grit. People clamored to see his fights. He also had longevity
with a four year hiatus for refusing to serve in the Army during
the Viet Nam War.
He was literally incapacitated by age. People carp his last fights
were bogus. However; Ali was never a curmudgeon, doing his best through it
2 Vocabulary Story 889 A Great Boxer’s Career
A portrait of Muhammad Ali’s career shows he had flair, talent
and grit. People couldn’t wait to see his fights. He also had a long career
with a four year break for refusing to serve in the Army during
the Viet Nam War.
He was really stopped by age. People complain his last fights
were fakes. However; Ali was never a grouch, doing his best through it
3 Vocabulary Story 889 A Great Boxer’s Career
1 Vocabulary Story 891 Missionaries Go Native
Missionaries in India were compliant to headquarters back in England.
They took circuitous routes not to affront local tribes, looking at
gazetteers to do this. They gnashed their feet on stones.
The Church in England seemed myopic with a surfeit of authoritarian
rules. Many missionaries dropped out, making overtures to locals
and ‘went native’. The lascivious amongst them went first.
2 Vocabulary Story 891 Missionaries Go Native
Missionaries in India were obedient to headquarters back in England.
They took roundabout routes not to offend local tribes, looking at
map books to do this. They hurt their feet on stones.
The Church in England seemed short sighted with an over abundance of
dictatorial rules. Many missionaries dropped out, making advances to locals
and ‘went native’. The lusty amongst them went first.
1 Vocabulary Story 890 Hitler’s Evil Strategy
Hitler’s haughty rhetoric rationalized apportioning rights to
indigenous Germans and those compatible to his racial ideas. The Nazis
starkly followed racial purity ideas, apportioning food and social
advancement. They even meted out medical care, treating ariens lesions
before others.
g .
2 Vocabulary Story 890 Hitler’s Evil Strategy
Hitler’s arrogant speeches gave reasons for giving rights to
native Germans and those suitable to his racial ideas. The Nazis
strictly followed racial purity ideas, rationing food and social
advancement. They even handed out medical care, treating arien injuries
before others.
1 Vocabulary Story 886 The USA is Bankrupt
The USA is not solvent. However people in the government are giddy,
garnering large amounts by nebulous means. Bolstered by laws, legislators
and their confidants have money protruding from their bank accounts.
Thrifty representatives have been extirpated from the party, precepts
broken and sophistry used to justify the theft.
2 Vocabulary Story 886 The USA is Bankrupt
The USA is bankrupt. However; people in the government are excited,
raking in large amounts by shady means. Propped up by laws, legislators
and their friends have money bulging from their bank accounts.
Prudent representatives have been booted out of the party, rules
broken and false reasoning used to justify the theft.
1 Vocabulary Story 887 The High Point of the Confederacy
Gettysburg is the acme of the Confederate advance into the Union.
Lee was cantankerous, his quandary was a lack of supplies. He
became sanguine when a courier was intercepted.
He decided to attack into Pennsylvania. A line of Confederates emanated
across a field en masse met by Union Canon.
The brevity of this charge was amazing. After the battle, the carrion
covered battlefield was left derelict.
2 Vocabulary Story 887 The High Point of the Confederacy
Gettysburg is the highpoint of the Confederate advance into the Union.
Lee was distressed, his problem was a lack of supplies. He
became hopeful when a messenger was captured.
He decided to attack into Pennsylvania. A line of Confederates came
across a field all together met by Union Canon.
The briefness of this charge was amazing. After the battle, the body
covered battlefield was left as is.
1 Vocabulary Story 888 Englishman George Stephenson Invents the Locomotive
George Stephenson invented the first successful locomotives. This
new mode of transport changed the world. His vivacious charisma won
him a coterie of followers that were enthralled by him. He bought
a sumptuous productive estate.
One incident put a temporary damper on his career. A locomotive
exploded right at the portal of a tunnel, maiming many on lookers.
An arbiter cleared him of any blame.
2 Vocabulary Story 888 Englishman George Stephenson Invents the Locomotive
George Stephenson invented the first successful locomotives. This
new means of transport changed the world. His energetic charm won
him a cadre of followers that were wild for him. He bought
a rich productive estate.
One happening put a temporary cloud on his career. A locomotive
exploded right at the entrance of a tunnel, crippling many on lookers.
A judge cleared him of any blame.